Injury to the body
At Iwona Pankowska and Associates, P.C. we know that your injuries affect you personally. When you or someone you love is seriously injured, you can lose your mental and physical health, job, relative, spouse or child in an instant. This puts you in a position to deal with huge medical bills, lost income, and devastating emotional stress. When you’ve been injured and the bills are soaring, it’s time to use the skills of an experienced personal injury attorney. At Iwona Pankowska’s law firm, our personal injury lawyers help injured clients obtain the compensation they need to recover. We have devoted our practice to protecting the rights of our clients and ensuring that the maximum amount of compensation is recovered on their behalf. We are passionate about helping victims get the compensation they deserve. No matter how devastating your injury is, we can make a big difference to your emotional and financial recovery.

Medical malpractice
Iwona Pankowska’s law office represents people who have been injured as a result of medical malpractice, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon.
Every day, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals across the country commit negligence that could result in serious and permanent injury to the patient. Whether it’s a doctor misdiagnosing a disease, a pharmacist incorrectly prescribing, or a nurse’s mistake from reading a patient’s card incorrectly, U.S. medical malpractice results in millions of dollars in additional medical costs for injured patients and a lifetime of pain and suffering, both for the patient and his relatives.

Medical malpractice happens not only in a doctor’s office or hospital emergency room. Nursing home medical malpractice is a serious and relatively unknown problem that affects millions of our seniors who are in long-term care facilities and receive sub-standard healthcare. Some of the more common examples of medical malpractice include:
• Nurses fail to remove surgical instruments or sponges after surgery
• Performing surgery on the wrong part of the body or the patient.
• Inadequate distribution of anesthetics by the anesthetist.
• Failure to correctly diagnose cancer or other serious diseases
• Neglect of the elderly in nursing homes.
• Assign a drug to which the patient is allergic.
• Failure to comply with the appropriate sterilization conditions in the hospital.

Compensation for accidents at work
The workplace can also be a dangerous place.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2.1 non-fatal workplace accidents and 4,764 fatal work-related accidents in the U.S. in 2020 * A key finding from The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries found that, on average, someone died as a result of an accident at work in 2020. *
Most people are likely to suffer work-related injuries throughout their careers. At Iwona Pankowska and Associates P.C. we believe you deserve a fair compensation for your injuries.
State law requires your employer or their insurance company to compensate you and your family for work injuries or death. You may be entitled to:
• Weekly benefits when you or a family member are disabled or unable to work
• Coverage of medical expenses
We know these cases are not simple. If you are injured in the course of your employment, in most cases your case falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of your state’s Workers’ Compensation System. You cannot file a lawsuit and get a jury trial, as is the case in most personal injury cases.
Accidents at the construction site
Whether you are an employee who suffered an accident at the construction site or just a passerby who suffered an injury while walking / being near the construction site, you will need a fierce and experienced lawyer to deal with those responsible for the accident.

Car accidents
An accident can happen in a matter of moments and anyone can become its victim. We understand that accidents have a devastating effect on victims and their families. At Iwona Pankowska and Associates, P.C. we strive to receive fair compensation for our clients and help families get the support they need.
The National Road Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that in 2020 approximately 38,680 people died as a result of a road accident. This figure was the highest reported death toll since 2007. It increased by 7.2% between 2019 and 2020 from an average of 36,000. The mortality rate also increased from 1.11 deaths per 100 million VMT to 1.37 deaths per 100 million VMT. The VMT is the vehicle kilometers traveled. Behaviors that increased the mortality rate were: driving the vehicle in a broken state, not wearing a seat belt, and speeding. The report found that the death toll increased by 18% in 2021 over a similar time frame. The increase in the number of road fatalities is a trend that, according to statistics, will continue.